
Migration of Personal Folders to OneDrive


ITS has resumed the working with departments to migrate their departmental shared folders to SharePoint.  If you are staff, faculty, or a student employees who have personal H: Drive folders or other network shares,  you must migrate those folders to OneDrive for Business very soon.

This migration has many benefits for users, as well as substantial economic savings and security benefits for the University. Cloud storage allows you to access your files and documents from anywhere, on any device, at any time.  OneDrive also keeps track of revision history and encrypts the data in transit and at rest. Once saved to the cloud, users can easily rename and move the file from within the application to other folders, as well as share the document with other collaborators.

If you have personal folders on a shared drive, please move your personal data to OneDrive for Business no later than end of business on Wednesday Nov 24. Many of these network drives are mapped to the letter H:, but not all - generally, anything after the letter F: for a drive will be a network drive. If you aren't sure, please open a ticket to DTS and they can positively identify it.

After the 24th, network drives will be migrated without fine grained permissions to SharePoint, and you may temporarily lose access to your files while permissions are worked out by your department data owner.

Need more information on moving your files to OneDrive? Check out these resources:

Instructions on how to move a "personal" folder to OneDrive can be found in the "OneDrive” section of the University’s Microsoft 365 webpage.

More OneDrive Documentation

Please direct questions and concerns to Jason Bowling (bowling@uakron.edu)