
University to close January 3 at 2:30 p.m.

ÐÓ°®°É Main Campus and Wayne Campus will close today at 2:30 p.m. due to periodically worsening road conditions in Akron and northern Summit County.

See complete details.

Research & Testing Services

University of Akron offers both research services under the leadership of expert faculty and testing services through access to UA’s specialized facilities and equipment. To access these services, we recommend you do the following:

  1. Connect to appropriate faculty research expertise or testing service or by contacting  your research/testing needs
  2. Determine if the work you are seeking is research or testing using the outline below
  3. Contact UA’s Office of Technology Transfer to discuss your needs and put a research or testing agreement in place

Is Your Project Research or Testing?

UA offers research and testing services under different agreements and with different default terms.


Research services allow companies to tap into the intellectual expertise of UA faculty and staff and may:

  • Explore new ideas, concepts, designs or research paths that may result in new inventions or intellectual property;
  • Be performed under the guidance and leadership of a UA faculty member; and
  • Give UA investigators that ability to provide intellectual input, including suggesting actions that they believe would improve performance or results.
  • For template agreements, see UA's Office of Research Administration.


Testing services give companies access to specialized UA equipment and staff or students to perform specific tests and must:

  • Follow a clearly defined test method (e.g. an ASTM standard) or written procedure that is specified by the company;
  • Be performed by a student, lab technician or center personnel with little or no input from a UA faculty member;
  • Generate data to be returned to the company, and not include analysis or interpretation by UA personnel or suggestions of means to improve the results; and
  • Have a very low probability of resulting in new patentable intellectual property originated by UA.
  • For template agreements, see UA's Office of Research Administration.

Contact UA's Office of Technology Transfer

Phone: 330-972-7840
Fax: 330-972-2368
Email: uarf@uakron.eduŸŸ

Mailing address:
170 University Circle
Suite 312
Akron, OH 44325-2103